‘Help one another. There’s no time like the present, and no present like the time’- James Durst
To be entitled to a discounted GOLD or SILVER DISCOUNT - or - FAMILY membership
you are required to select 3 activities.
Tournaments: (Select 1-3 days/sessions over these events)
Junior Tournament
March Open Tournament
These are areas you could volunteer for. You will be guided and supported during your roster:
· Set up / Clean up
· Fundraising-raffles etc
· Kitchen -food prep / customer service/ cashier EFTPOS
· Bar – (RSA Required) customer service/ cashier EFTPOS / re-stocking
Captain's Desk Assistant: Saturday Afternoon Social tennis 1-5pm (select 1-3 dates/sessions)
Volunteer will always be assisted by Captain or experienced club member to:
· Greet and register players / cashier EFTPOS
· Match Draws- computer program (training provided)
Organising Tennis Events - If you arrange regular groups that are open to all members and sanctioned by the club captain.
Active Volunteer: (You can work in any of the following areas)
Please contact the Co-Ordinator directly to discuss a variety of areas that you could assist with:
o Special club events, fundraising events
· Bar:
o (RSA Required) Regular club socialising, special events
· Junior Club:
o Establishing mentor support group and general assistance for regular Junior Club activities Friday 4-7pm
· Communications:
o Website, Newsletter, Social Media, Venue promotion to external audiences
· Maintenance (courts/clubhouse):
o Assist greenkeeper- courts, tradesman/handyman skills
· Membership:
o Membership growth and promotion
· Sponsorship:
o Identifying new sponsors
· General club support and membership involvement:
o Club membership growth, policy documentation, volunteer co-ordination, ensuring new members and visitors are made to
feel welcome.
Club First Aiders (Select 1-3 of this option in Sub-Committees box)
To manage the Club’s First Aid requirements: (Minimum requirement: HLTAID011 Provide First Aid)
o Provide first aid response and life support (Defibrillator (Heartstart) onsite)
o Maintain first aid supplies
o Injury reporting
(Note: Volunteer Activities requiring a qualification/training. The Committee will approve volunteers for roles requiring a
qualification or refresher course and shall reimburse the Volunteer for any course cost following successful completion)
‘Being good is commendable, but only when it is combined with doing good is it useful’- Author Unknown